(Belated) Happy New Year, folks! (Jesus, the month of January is almost over, it’s about damn time I wished you one.)

As stated in the previous installment of this series, in this blog’s (sadly more frequent than I would like, but hey, that’s life) downtime, I’ve done a lot of re-reading, taking stock, assessing, re-calibrating even. Looking back over the past four years of its existence, there’s a lot of “practical advice” on this blog that I would not be nearly so regimented about now; on the other hand, there are a lot of ideas, specifically where my directing and business proposals are concerned, that have been refined and polished. So, I’m taking a second look at some items where my initial instincts have evolved over time and restating my thesis, as it were.

Since the last installment was about script formatting, I figured I’d stick to that general subject and talk about screenwriting software as I ease my way back into not just this blog but this series. Shall we?